Hidden Tabs - Watch out, users can still see the data

If you want to restrict access to an entire tab in salesforce from some of your users, you might start by editing their Profile and setting their tab permission for that object to "Hidden".

They won't be able to see the tab at all, and they won't be able to over wright your settings. However, if they visit a record, they still will see the data associated with that tab in the record related list. To block them from seeing anything associated with that tab/object, you'll need to restrict their permissions in the profile appropriately.

It's a good idea to login as different users in your system to be sure you see what they see. I have my users grant me login access for this very purpose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello ng30345

I was wondering if salesforce lets you create web to leads forms directly without hiring 3rd party software modules like FormAssembly, Web2Anything, Advanced web to lead etc. Sorry for this "stupid" question but i am fairly new to Salesforce.

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,
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